You are currently browsing the daily archive for July 22, 2009.

Good morning, afternoon, and evening to all of you new readers out there!! Hi I’m Heather, some of you may know me from Everyydayy however, did you know I moved?? Well I did. You can find me blogging over at EveryyDayy Grace now. I really hope you’ll check me out over there once in a while. Anyway, today I’m making a big comeback to blogging. I have been on a hiatus due to working crazy hours, and just having some crazy shit going on. Anyway, as I type this I am sitting at my desk at work listening to my John Mayer Pandora station patiently awaiting my last move in of the day. I actually wrote this post several months ago, while I was unemployed. As I sit here and read it now, I just want to smack myself, I would give ANYTHING to have a nap right now. Even my left pinky toe–oh ya it’s that serious!! 


Yea I said it. What are you going to do about it? Seriously naps can suck it! They are the sneakiest fuckers! One second you’re watching a movie, then you wake up 6 hours later, asking yourself how the hell you napped that long. 

They make you miss your Thursday night shows. They make you miss your normal dinner time and when you wake up at 9:30 craving hotdogs and beer and have to go to the damn store because of course you don’t have that at the house and you would have gone to the store earlier, but you fell asleep! 

So by the time you go to the store, cook, and eat it’s almost 11:00. Now you can’t go to sleep because you’ll get a stomach ache and you’ll be miserable anyway. So you decide to play with your blog and get frustrated until you start throwing pens, pencils, paperclips, anything in arms reach at your computer. 

You look at your clock and you’re like OH SHIT IT’S MORNING ALREADY! You make sure the boyfriend gets his butt and heads to work on time. By this time you’re hungry again so you make some breakfast, you knows eggs, turkey bacon, and toast. Unless of course you didn’t do dishes after dinner the night before and you don’t feel like washing the pan so you just grab a muffin (mmmm Cream cheese muffins!!!) 

Breakfast is done and Ellen is on, you laugh your ass of for a good hour, then it’s 10:00am. You can either go lay down and try to sleep, or push through it and screw with your blog some more. You know throw a few more pens, yell at the rambunctious kittens, and try not to rip the hair out of your head. 

11:00 rolls around and by this time you hate everything and everyone. You can’t go to sleep now because Rachel Ray is on. You play on your blog some more, by this time you’ve said fuck it, and you start a savings fund for a redesign. (Yes, hopefully in the next few weeks-depending on work and such) 2:00 and it’s time for Tyra, so you obviously can’t go to sleep now. 

Now you’re so tired that you couldn’t go to sleep if you want to. FUCK NAPS!

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July 2009

Email Me:

danceintherain19 @ hotmail . com